Saturday, May 2, 2009

Robin Hood was a fiscal conservative.

In one of the worst cases of revisionist history, or in this case "legendry", the story of a great hero has been corrupted to meet one group's agenda. According to current popular version, Robin Hood and his Merry men, robbed the rich and gave it to the poor. The fact is he robbed from a corrupt, overtaxing government and returned the money to the taxpayers.

At the time the populace consisted of two groups, the lords, barons, princes and kings who governed, and the second group, the rest, who were farmers, blacksmiths, wheelwrights, tinkers and others who actually produced something. There was no middle class.

The governing body existed through rents, tributes and taxes. The producing body did all the work that made the country function. Without the producers, there would have been no country.

Enter Prince John and England was thrown out of balance. Using the government's authority, he raised taxes. When King Richard was taken hostage, John used the "crisis" to lay an even heavier tax burden on the producers. And somehow the money never made it to the intended goal. Instead it was used to maintain power for John and his cronies.

Robert of Loxley, a/k/a Robin Hood, organized a group of men, now termed outlaws, and systematically relieved the government of the excessive taxes and returned the money to the rightful owners, the taxpayers. Think of it as a early version of a tax rebate.

Eight hundred years later, both American political parties continue to use crisis as a basis for taxation and power.

So the "Rich" are actually the government. The "Poor" are the poor taxpayers. A different perspective when you look at it from a distance.

Can we have Robin Hood back? Please!.


  1. Brilliant! Your writings are sure to be a welcome addition to the blogosphere.

  2. Nice start! I also had to add a comment because with just one it said "1 Comments".
